
Monday, December 13, 2010

Interview: 34D Brand's Dea Pierre

So I got a chance to reach out to 34D's creator Dea Pierre. Little did she know she was being interviewed by a long time friend that has watched her craft grow not only with the brand but within her as a person.

S.R: Where did the name 34D come from?

D.P: The name came randomly, completely by mistake. I had spent so much

time trying to think of a name and couldn't, someone told me that

it'll just come to me one day, and it just so happens that one day

when I was with a close friend of mine, she asked me why don't I name

my line after my breast, since I have an infatuation with them. As

funny as that may seemed I loved the idea, so I ran with it.

S.R: What went into designing the logo?

D.P: The 34D logo is so simple, but I love it, because it means so much.

There are people that have came up to me and weren't really feeling

the logo or even the font, but by them disagreeing with it they have

proven the meaning of it correct. The whole concept about 34D is that

it will be on your thoughts, whether they are positive or negative

thoughts, I believe there is no such thing as bad publicity, and word

of mouth good or bad comments is powerful. For example there's a

individual who isn't too fond of me and tells people "her line name is

so ghetto, why she putting out her bra size out there, her designs are

so perverted", in that persons hating they don't realize they are

telling more people "hey go check out her stuff", and I've gotten a

few fans thanks to negative thoughts and words, its awesome.

S.R: Where the the inspiration come from on this line?

D.P: What inspires my designs are just all the concepts I come up with that

I know someone out there will be against or considered pointless. My

line as, I like to say, is about art statements more than fashion

statements, I think people fail to realize there is no pointless in

art, and every concept I put out is more for the minority than the

majority; for example Kid Cudi makes really deep music, that a lot of

people may not like, but its not about that majority aka mainstream

and commercial, its about the few of those who just needs someone to

say "you are not alone," an artist to give them their voice. So I like

to design things that will give people that sense of "I don't care

what so and so thinks of this, I'm going to do it"

S.R: What kind of mark are you trying to leave on the fashion industry?

D.P: That anyone can do it, you just have to have the drive, you have to

have that "by any means" attitude. Fashion is a visual, art is a

visual, I want people to get dressed in the morning and remember that.

It's not just about clothes, every garment is a message.

S.R: How long have you been working on the line?

D.P: April will make it a year, I'm new but I'm serious about my craft.

S.R: How many people do you have on your team?

D.P: Currently I am building my team. I started out doing everything on my

own and ended up almost passing out. I'm thankful for those who have

decided to jump on board with 34D and work with me, especially since

you need patience to deal with me, I'm constantly changing my mind,

indecisive, and an extremist lol. I have a photographer, Matthew

Daley, who I can tell "I NEED this look" and he captures it. An

illustrator, Alex Mercado, who I can give the wildest most insane

impossible concept to draw and he gets it done. A Model Selection

Advisor and Creative Director, Tekeya Prescod, who screens models for

me, I have crazy images for the models and she helps makes sure that

my extreme ideas fit in place and make sense, but a bit of chaos is a

good thing.

S.R: Are you the sole designer or are there more designers?

D.P: I am the sole designer, I may have Alex draw out a concept I have or I

might do a collaboration with someone but 100% of the time the

concepts and designs are mine. I'm also working on more products for

the upcoming year. Everything is hand crafted by the way.

S.R: Where can people buy your clothing?

D.P: of course!

S.R: What do you feel your big break will be?

D.P: I love this question, I really have to stop and think on this one. I

was going to saying having my products on some of the biggest names in

the spotlight or fashion world, but I think my big break will be when

34D is embraced as more of a lifestyle than just clothing line,

because that's what it is. When people realize that 34D is here for

the little guys, the underdogs, that we're here to let everyone knows

its ok to be different, it is ok to be weird, its ok to be you, that's

when I feel will be my big break.

S.R: In 5 years where do you see your brand going?

D.P: In five years I plan to have 34D charities set up, yearly model

searches bigger than America's Next Top Model, products distributed to

every end of the world, stores in NY, Cali, and Japan, 34D completely

owning front pages of blogs and magazines. Just complete world


S.R: What is your process when designing?

D.P: The thought process is also the fun part, the deciding is the hard

part, it all starts off with a witty concept, then drafting out a

blueprint, laying down the cement and giving an idea foundation to be

put on a shirt, I usually change the original idea a few times because

any concept can be perceived in different ways, its about picking one

that'll get you thinking the most, but when I do come up with my final

design the next step, screen-printing is fun but occasionally a pain

in the ass. But its all worth it to have just a thought in your head

be a product in your hands.

S.R: Are you planning on designing more than tee shirts?

D.P: Of course, 2011 will be my teaser year. As I said I'm new but I'm

serious about my craft, coming up within the next six months are 34D

limited pillows, underwear, and custom tops.

S.R: What were you doing before designing clothes?

D.P: I was designing flyers, business cards, and websites, I was in love
with graphic design since 9th grade, I've been in love with art as a

whole since birth. I consider graphic design to be the stepping stone

to my true passion of designing clothes, I've never had this kind of

drive for something before, this is what I see myself doing for life.

S.R: Do you think your brand has been successful so far or did you expect

more out of it?

D.P: Yes I do think it has been very successful, I'm proud of how much I've

accomplished thus far. This whole year has been my trial and error

stage, my research stage and now I'm ready to go all out, and no

matter how successful you are you can always expect more from yourself

and your craft, even Denzil Washington still takes acting lessons.

This is just the beginning of 34D, the warm up if you may, the build

up is what I'm working on right now, and it's epic.

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